Nature Walk Series
Tree Top Walk Trail
20 December 2013


photo photo photo Each time I come by the tree-top walk trail, I would be looking for the Grass Fern (Schizaea dichotoma). This is a relatively small fern and with the busy undergrowth that was full of seedlings and fallen leaves, finding this fern was always a challenge. Though I tracked the path at least 4 times in the last 2 years, I did not manage to spot the fern the last few rounds. I was indeed very lucky this time. I found not just one but a separate colony with 4 grass-like fronds.

Unfortunately, what happened next had ruined my year-end outing plan. It was drizzling when I started the walk and throughout the time, the weather remained gloomy. The boardwalk was wet and at one part, I even saw a broken wooden plank. The incident happened so fast that I was not sure how I slipped and fall. My leg must have banged hard against one of the plank. The next thing that followed was pain felt at the lower part of my leg and I could barely stand up. I thought I might need some help to get to the main road while I did not see a single soul around. The place was not too far from the Ranger station. After resting for around 10 minutes, I finally managed to get up and made my way out slowly with slight limping movement. Five days later, I had a bad fever which I suspected was a consequent from this fall. Also, my injured leg was swollen and in pain, which mean that I had to be grounded for a few weeks.

As the accident happened near the end of my trip. I did complete my tracking with a number of observations. One of the plant that I wanted to sort out was Calophyllum teysmannii. I had got its pictures a while back but just could not be certain that I had the right plant. One of the species appeared to have shorter and more rounded leaves. There were fruit-like nodules growing along the stem of these plants. As they were all young plants, it was really hard to correctly identify them.

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photo photo On the tree-top bridge, I saw from distance a fruiting tree that looked like a Calophyllum species. Along the boardwalk after the bridge, I found quite a number of fallen fruits which resembled that saw on the distanced tree. There must to be a few trees around that area. The fruits of Calophyllum teysmannii were described as ovoid-globose. Although there were young Calophyllum teysmannii around the same vicinity, I was not certain about the actual identity of these fruits though I suspected them to be Calophyllum teysmannii.

Another Calophyllum species available in the same area was Calophyllum pulcherrimum. This species had a much smaller and thinner leaves and could be easily overlooked as some other plant species.

Besides the fruiting Calophyllum species, the only other noteworthy find on the tree-top bridge was the flowering Terentang (Campnosperma auriculatum).

photo photo photo The identity of this tri-foliate climber had puzzled me for a while now. At first, I suspected it to be the younger version of the woody climber, Spatholobus ferrugineus. In fact, I had still placed some of their pictures together. But, I still had some doubt on whether they are indeed the same plant.

Many young plants, including climbers looked very different in the younger forms. The leaves might be single-foliate at the seedling stage and leaflet forms only start appearing at much later stage.

The vine, Ampelocissus elegans (Woolly Button Vine) from the Vitaceae family is a rather common climber in the forested area. I took special attention on it when CK told me that some of them might instead be another closely related species, Ampelocissus cinnamomea. Although I had examined a few plants in the field, I was still not able to find any obvious feature that separate the two.

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photo photoAs usual, there were many little creatures seen. One rare find was a 3-spotted bug that I managed to take only 2 shots before it flew off. Luckily, one of the pictures turned out well. I had seen similar bug but not one with 3 prominent white spots.

Another unusual find was a Terrestrial Flatworm. There was a white object emerging from its body which I had no idea what it was.

By the time I wrote this piece of report about 3 weeks later, I was near full recovery. There was still a bit of pain in my leg but I should be ready to venture out again in another week's time.

Photo Gallery:

Below are selected photos from this trip arranged according to the sequence that they were taken. There is a text link under the photo that will direct you to more photos of the same species if they are available in my website.

Geastrum species
(Earthstar Mushroom)
Tyriobapta torrida
Moth Caterpillar
Bathippus species
(Jumping Spider)
Unknown Pupa
Ricaniid Planthopper
(Family: Ricaniidae)
Leaf Beetles
Arctornis sp.
Tussock Moth
Amphicnemis gracilis


First shot: 7:25 am
Last shot: 12:48 pm
Total number of shots: 527

To use any of the image(s), please read the conditions carefully. To correct any error, please contact me.